We invite you to explore GIH’s 2011 Annual Report, which summarizes highlights of the year and key facts about GIH’s operations and governance. Our work covered a range of issue areas—from health reform, to behavioral health, to the social determinants of health—providing opportunities for funders to learn about critical health issues through written products, audioconferences and webinars, meetings, and issue networks.
One of our biggest accomplishments of the year was the GIH State Grant Writing Assistance Fund, a program first launched in 2010, providing matching dollars to foundations offering grant writing support related to implementing aspects of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Through the fund, grantees were able to secure millions of dollars in additional grant support toward ACA implementation. Another major undertaking was the release of the report Guide to Impact Investing, a framework to help funders think strategically about the potential of impact investing, part of a growing practice to align foundations’ investments with their missions and incorporate environmental, social, and governance criteria into investment decisionmaking. As the field of health philanthropy evolves and grows, we thought it important to explore this practice and how it may augment the work of grantmakers in potentially significant ways.
None of this work would have been possible without the continued commitment and support of GIH Funding Partners and the participation of foundation staff and trustees who help us create useful and relevant resources for the field. Thank you.