GIH’s ability to serve the field of health philanthropy depends on funding and engagement from the grantmaking community.

To achieve that goal, we help the staff and trustees of foundations and corporate giving programs stay on top of current health policy and philanthropic practice; connect with one another and with those in other sectors; and strengthen their individual skills and organizational practices.

Health funders typically support GIH in four ways:

Annual Contributions

Each year, over 200 philanthropic organizations and advisors provide support to finance our infrastructure and our ability to meet the demands of today’s pressing health issues. Annual support helps GIH provide health philanthropy with needed expertise, knowledge, and resources.

We call the organizations that provide annual support our Funding Partners. Staff and trustees of Funding Partner organizations gain access to exclusive opportunities to learn, connect, and grow.

Learn more about becoming a Funding Partner on our website or contact Cecilia Amor Kramer

GIH Champions

GIH Champions are Funding Partner organizations that make a contribution in addition to their annual Funding Partner support to help sustain GIH operations. GIH thanks the following Funding Partners for their generous support:

Conference Sponsorship

The GIH Annual Conference on Health Philanthropy is the largest gathering of health funders in the nation. Attracting over 700 participants, the annual conference focuses attention on the practice of philanthropy, highlighting innovative strategies and approaches to deal with contemporary issues. More than a meeting, it is an opportunity for grantmakers to learn from outside experts as well as philanthropic leadership, and to exchange information, ideas, and insights with colleagues.

The GIH Fall Forum is an excellent opportunity for funders with a strong interest in health policy to get up-to-speed on current issues, interact with leading thinkers, and connect with their grantmaking peers. This more intimate gathering is held annually in Washington DC. The Forum sparks new ideas and connections each year, and sets the stage for meaningful relationship building.

GIH also offers a dedicated email option: a curated, promotional email sent on your behalf to our audience.

Program and General Operating Grants

Some foundations provide issue-specific funding to GIH. These program grants address one or more of GIH’s five focus areas, which GIH has identified as critical to achieving better health for all:

  • Health Equity and Social Justice
  • Access and Quality
  • Community Engagement and Empowerment
  • Philanthropic Growth and Impact
  • Population Health

GIH uses program grants to help health funders raise the visibility of the issues they care about, amplify ongoing work, and learn from promising approaches.

General operating grants enable organizations to be nimble, yet thoughtful. GIH appreciates any opportunity for general operating support of our work. We look forward to engaging foundations that provide such support in conversations about how it can be mutually beneficial.

Need More Information?

For more information about supporting GIH, contact Cecilia Amor Kramer at 202.452.8331
