In 2013 GIH offered rich programming in several areas, including conferences, webinars, articles, and reports. The programming included bringing new, diverse voices into our conversations, such as our report Health Philanthropy: New Players and New Approaches that looked at the changing landscape of health philanthropy and opportunities for traditional health foundations to work with community development financial institutions and other nontraditional funders. We will continue exploring this area and look forward to finding ways to connect our Funding Partners with new players in the field.
We also paid attention to creating dynamic, learning experiences at the annual meeting and in meetings throughout the year; found innovative ways to quickly generate and distribute information that was helpful to Funding Partners in their daily work; and began developing new programming to support foundation staff leadership and professional development. It was all in the name of strengthening your ability to grow, work strategically, and learn from one another.
We invite you to take a look at what GIH offered the field in 2013, which was made possible with the continued support and enthusiasm of our Funding Partners.