March 2016

Each year, GIH asks health funders to share their thoughts on our annual conference theme. This year’s authors wrote essays about what it means to chart a new course in health philanthropy.
- Addressing the Gun Violence Epidemic: America Has the Will; Philanthropy Can Help Show the Way
Judy Belk, The California Wellness Foundation - Playing to Our Mutual Strengths: Philanthropy and Governmental Public Health
Edward Hunter, de Beaumont Foundation - Building Healthy Communities
Tony Iton, The California Endowment - Learning to Lead by Following: Communities Know Best
Nichole June Maher, Northwest Health Foundation - Driving Change: A New Foundation’s Early Efforts
Tina Markanda, The Foundation for a Healthy High Point - A Place at the Table, a Voice in the Conversation: Charting a Course of Policy Change
Susan Zepeda, Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky
2016 Annual Conference Essay (Belk)
2016 Annual Conference Essay (Hunter)
2016 Annual Conference Essay (Iton)
2016 Annual Conference Essay (Maher)