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Thank you for attending the 2018 Annual Conference on Health Philanthropy, the largest gathering of health funders in the country! Event details including session materials are available on the GIH App and app website.



To make the most of your experience at #GIHac, download our conference app! The app will allow you to stay on top of conference opportunities and developments, browse conference sessions, and seamlessly connect with other leaders in the field. You can access the app one of two ways: as an app on your mobile device, or on the web.

Download the GIH annual conference app on your Apple and Android device.

Find the conference app by searching for Grantmakers In Health in the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store, or click here from your device.

  1. Once you download the app, click download beneath “2018 Annual Conference on Health Philanthropy.”
  2. iPhone users only: click “Allow notifications” if you would like to receive updates throughout the conference.
  3. Click “log in.”
  4. You may log in with your name, and/or email.
  5. Enter the verification code, which will be sent to you at the email address you registered with.
  6. Set up your profile.


Open the app with other devices via the app website

The app website works with your web browser so no download is required. You may log in, and the display is mobile-friendly.

  1. Click here to go to the app website.
  2. Click “log in.”
  3. You may log in with your name, and/or email.
  4. Enter the verification code, which will be sent to you at the email address you registered with.


Navigating Currents of Change

How does your foundation or corporate giving program deal with change? Do you advance purposefully, adapting your theory of change as needed? Are you doing the same things you’ve always done and hoped you won’t run aground? Or—worst of all—are you adrift?

In this time of dynamic social change, every health funder must face staying relevant and effective. Like a choppy sea, the challenges come from multiple directions: demographic shifts that affect community dynamics; increasing levels of social inequality; rapidly changing public policies; a health care system in transition; and new change management tools and techniques—to name just a few.

The good news is that from small communities to the national arena, funders are developing successful strategies to stay abreast of change. The 2018 annual conference is a time to share these strategies, identify best practices, and discuss new priorities. Together, funders can find ways to move forward with conviction, providing the leadership that communities urgently need.


Each year, GIH asks health funders to share their thoughts on our annual conference theme. This year, we’ve asked evaluators from foundations to reflect on Navigating Currents of Change. Click here to read their essays.

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