The Westin Georgetown | Washington, DC
This strategy session was part of the 2015 Fall Forum.
8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Media communications offer a powerful tool for amplifying advocacy messages, targeting influential audiences, building public will, and influencing key decisionmakers. Technological advances have led to a proliferation of media platforms, simultaneously expanding the reach, flexibility, and complexity of media advocacy. This strategy session examined how the strategic use of media can expedite health policy objectives and will consider how funders can optimize their media investments. When and how should media communications be incorporated into an advocacy strategy? What capacities do funders and grantees need to develop in order to use media most effectively? How can funders leverage the power of media without draining their grantmaking budgets? Join your colleagues to explore these and other compelling topics.
Cosponsored by Media Impact Funders
- Review a Social Media Recap
- Continue the conversation on Twitter at #GIHFF
The Westin Georgetown
2350 M Street NW
Washington, DC 20037
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