Health and health care inequities remain deep and persistent. Health inequities literally span from the cradle to the grave in the form of higher rates of infant mortality, chronic disease, disability, and premature death among many racial and ethnic minority groups. The second decade of the 21st century presents many challenges and opportunities for health funders seeking to advance health equity. Given this landscape, what can health funders do to promote health equity? How can funders harness what is already known about successful practices and bring them “to scale” to benefit larger populations?
To address these and other questions, GIH sought the perspectives of leading thinkers in the health equity arena on where the field has been and needs to go.
Striving for Health Equity: Opportunities as Identified by Leaders in the Field is an exploration of grantmaking options to support health equity goals. Strategies discussed describe opportunities for intervening along a continuum of upstream and downstream approaches to address health disparities. The report aims to provide strategic solutions and recommendations for funders and stimulate collaboration across philanthropy to tackle systems and policies contributing to disparities in health.
Striving for Health Equity is made possible with the generous support of the Aetna Foundation and the Missouri Foundation for Health.
Focus Areas: