Guide to Impact Investing
This report builds on the 2011 GIH Guide to Impact Investing report with new information about the growth of the impact investment field, case studies of recent innovative investment techniques and projects, and an appendix on terminology, investment portfolio approaches, and strategies for financing impact investments.
The Nuka System of Care
The Nuka System of Care is a transformative approach to health care delivery that recognizes patients as “customer-owners” who have both a genuine ownership stake in the organization and a meaningful role in decision-making. Read how the Nuka model is effectively improving access and quality of care for rural and low-income Alaska Native communities.
Lessons Learned from Advocacy to Expand Children’s Coverage: A Recipe for Success
From 2008 to 2014, the number of uninsured children in the United States fell from 7.3 million to 4.4 million, an astonishing 40 percent drop (Annie E. Casey Foundation 2015). This striking progress toward the goal of universal health insurance coverage of children shows what can be achieved when sufficient resources are marshaled and directed in the right way, at the right time.
Building on Achievements in Extending Children’s Health Coverage
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010, commonly known as the ACA, included a range of measures to improve the health of children and secure children’s access to needed health services. This publication takes stock of progress in implementing those measures and considers what will be needed to keep the momentum going and address outstanding challenges.
Exiting Thoughtfully
Foundations that have adopted a limited-life approach have employed a number of principles to guide them in wrapping up their work. Several of these guidelines offer best practices for funders who are exiting from a field or retiring from grantmaking altogether. These lessons may in some cases also be relevant for foundations transitioning from an ongoing support model to a model of one-time/high-impact grants.
Project ECHO
Project ECHO is an innovative model for expanding access to specialty and high-quality primary care in rural areas using telehealth-enabled networked learning. Read how the Project ECHO model is dramatically expanding capacity to provide treatment and improve patient outcomes.
Health Reform Five Years Later: Philanthropy Steps Up to the Challenge
In this report, GIH describes the full spectrum of ways in which foundations have engaged in health reform-related efforts—both coverage expansion and health system transformation—since passage of the 2010 Affordable Care Act.