Progress Report: Older Americans Act Reauthorization Campaign
In October 2023, Grantmakers In Aging (GIA) and Grantmakers In Health (GIH) launched an 18-month initiative to engage funders in the reauthorization of the Older Americans Act (OAA). This report highlights key activities and takeaways and previews future programming.
John A Hartford Foundation: October 2024
A national survey, “Meeting the Growing Demand for Age-Friendly Care: Health Care at the Crossroads,” released by Age Wave and The John A. Hartford Foundation, found 82 percent of older adults say the United State health care system is not prepared for the growing and changing needs of America’s aging population. After reviewing all survey findings, five key recommendations were identified to improve health care for older adults and promote healthier, happier aging.
The People Say: A New Older Adult and Caregiver Policy and Research Tool
An online research hub features first-hand insights from older adults and caregivers on the issues most important to them, as well as feedback from experts on policies affecting older adults. The project particularly focuses on the experiences of communities often under-consulted in policymaking, including older adults of color, those who are low income, and/or those who live in rural areas where healthcare isn’t easily accessible.
Funder Meetup: Older Americans Act Reauthorization Updates
This virtual briefing provided an update on our activities, the latest intel on the OAA reauthorization, and a preview of upcoming opportunities to learn about and influence aging funding and policy.
Driving Change through Public-Private Collaboration at Age + Action 2024
On May 7, 2024, Grantmakers In Health (GIH) and Grantmakers In Aging (GIA) cohosted a funders-only meeting at the National Council on Aging’s Age + Action 2024 conference. The session, “Driving Change through Public-Private Collaboration,” focused on bridging connections between the public and private sectors to improve the health and well-being of older adults in…
Cara V. James and Lindsay Goldman in The Well News: The Older Americans Act Is Not Keeping Pace With Today’s Older Adults
Grantmakers In Health President and CEO Cara V. James and Grantmakers In Aging Chief Executive Officer Lindsay Goldman cowrote a commentary on the need to renew and modernize the Older Americans Act for The Well News, which was published on Monday, May 13, 2024: “We have known for years that the Older Americans Act and…