The Pew Charitable Trusts: December 2024
In the Speak Up MO report, residents’ top responses identified several priorities for improving health, including expanding health care coverage or implementing universal health care, lowering health care costs, and addressing the cost of living.
Missouri Foundation for Health: October 2024
In the Speak Up MO report, residents’ top responses identified several priorities for improving health, including expanding health care coverage or implementing universal health care, lowering health care costs, and addressing the cost of living.
John A Hartford Foundation: October 2024
A national survey, “Meeting the Growing Demand for Age-Friendly Care: Health Care at the Crossroads,” released by Age Wave and The John A. Hartford Foundation, found 82 percent of older adults say the United State health care system is not prepared for the growing and changing needs of America’s aging population. After reviewing all survey findings, five key recommendations were identified to improve health care for older adults and promote healthier, happier aging.
Episcopal Health Foundation: October 2024
Episcopal Health Foundation’s (EHF) annual poll shows continuing health care affordability and access crisis in Texas. EHF’s poll found that 64 percent of Texans said they skipped or postponed some sort of health care because of the cost. That includes things like check-ups, treatments, tests, filling prescriptions, and dental care. That percentage is slightly down from the 68 percent who said they skipped care last year – the highest percentage in the six-year history of EHF’s poll.
The Commonwealth Fund: October 2024
The Commonwealth Fund released a report, Mirror, Mirror 2024: A Portrait of the Failing U.S. Health System, to compare health system performance in 10 countries, including the United States, to glean insights for United States improvement. It conducted an analysis of 70 health system performance measures in five areas: access to care, care process, administrative efficiency, equity, and health outcomes.
The David & Lucile Packard Foundation: September 2024
The David & Lucile Packard Foundation published its 2023 Grantee Perception Report, which includes feedback from the foundation’s grantees through results from the Grantee Perception Survey administered by the Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP). The report outlines five areas of improvement based on the results.
Mother Cabrini Health Foundation: September 2024
Mother Cabrini Health Foundation released its 2023-2024 Impact Report, which outlines the foundation’s mission and strategies to address the health and wellbeing of vulnerable New Yorkers. The report outlines the foundation’s grantmaking process and the direct results of this year’s grants on a statewide level. This year, the foundation awarded 514 grants totaling $172 million to support nonprofit organizations addressing community health needs and disparities across New York State.
Greater Rochester Health Foundation: September 2024
2023 Annual Highlights “Partnering for Healthier Communities” showcases the impactful work of the foundation’s grantee partners across various areas and efforts to improve health equity. In 2023, Greater Rochester Health Foundation committed more than $8.1 million to 85 organizations, addressing critical issues such as mental health, racial equity, and public health, with grant-funded work reaching more than 75,000 individuals.
The Commonwealth Fund: September 2024
This brief reports on responses from community health centers leaders who were surveyed about care delivery, technology, workforce, and more. Findings highlight critical staff shortages amid rising demand for care and limited resources.