Latest Resources
Reflections on Building the Advocacy Capacity of Nonprofit Organizations
The Kansas Health Foundation reflects on a series of multiyear, targeted investments to build Kansas Action for Children’s advocacy capacity, and shares several lessons learned along the way.
Stepping Out: One Foundation’s Lessons Learned from Leading a Ballot Initiative
The Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City (HCF) shares lessons learned from an evaluation of its involvement in Missouri’s 2012 tobacco tax ballot initiative, one of the first times when HCF stepped into the public sphere in support of an issue.
Sustaining Health Care Improvement Initiatives through Policy
Many foundations now recognize their own responsibility and the opportunity to improve the sustainability of grant projects by taking active roles in advocating for important public and private policy changes. By partnering with grantees and by capitalizing on their unique roles, foundations can work with policymakers to continue successful programs through ongoing policies that sustain transformative efforts.
Gun Control: A Health Policy Issue?
Although the health-related consequences of gun violence are undeniable, the need for stronger gun control policies to address these health outcomes is hotly contested. Is the field of health philanthropy particularly “gun shy” about engaging in the contentious policy debate surrounding gun control? A number of health funders have supported grants and initiatives related to violence prevention, but relatively few have explicitly recognized gun control as a health policy objective.
Health Advocacy: Yes, No, or Maybe So?
Although engagement in public policy is viewed as a mission-critical strategy by an increasing number of health funders, many foundations are still considering whether and how they should support health advocacy efforts. This Issue Focus article briefly addresses some of the key questions foundations are likely to confront as they determine what role, if any, they should play in the public policy arena.
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