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GIH Events

Improving the Health of Vulnerable Children with Medical-Legal Partnerships

ubstandard housing, polluted neighborhoods, and inadequate nutrition are just a few of the “nonmedical” problems that can compromise children’s health status and developmental trajectory. The most visible result of these threats can be a frustrating, expensive, and heartbreakingly preventable trip to the doctor’s office or local emergency room.

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GIH Events

Climate Change Is a Health Problem

The debate is over; climate change is real. Further, the human health impacts of climate change are now being felt. The World Health Organization estimated that since 1990, climatic changes already have claimed at least 150,000 deaths and an additional 5.5 million years of life lost to premature death or lived with disabilities (2003).

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GIH Events

Pathways Out of Poverty: Exploring New Directions for Health Funders

The links between poverty and poor health are undeniable, yet complex. While health funders recognize poverty as a root cause of poor health, some may be unsure about how to translate that knowledge into action.

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GIH Events

Closing the Health Status Gap in the Nation’s Healthiest State: Paddling Upstream in the Land of 10,000 Lakes

Large numbers of Americans experience higher rates of illness and premature death for reasons that go beyond access to health care, lifestyle choices, and genetics. And yet, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the U.S. spends more than 90 percent of its health budget on downstream, individual medical care.

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GIH Events

Confronting Chronic Homelessness: Health Funders Consider New Solutions

On any given day, at least 800,000 people are homeless in the United States, including about 200,000 homeless families. It is virtually impossible for most to find rental property within their means. Also, as many as 70 percent of homeless individuals struggle with serious health problems, mental and physical disabilities, or substance abuse problems.

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GIH Events

Addressing Health Disparities by Engaging Institutions

Few issues cry out for remediation louder than the issue of racial and ethnic disparities in health. The magnitude of these disparities is so great that it has been called the “civil rights issue of the day” – an issue that public health has an obligation to address and remedy.

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GIH Events

Erasing the Color Line: Philanthropy’s Role in Eliminating Health Disparities

This resource portfolio on racial and ethnic health disparities contains two-page articles on the following topics: poverty, racism, environmental health, access, healthy behaviors, mental health, workforce diversity, cultural competency, men, women, children, and aging populations.  It also includes a resource list of organizations working on health disparities, key Web sites, and articles.

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GIH Events

Lost in the Translation: The Role of Language and Culture in the Health Care Setting

This two-page Issue Focus article discusses the importance of addressing language and culture in the health care setting and highlights key opportunities for grantmakers.

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GIH Events

People, Wildlife, and Ecosystems: Health for One, Health for All

The field of ecological health recognizes that the physical
well-being of people, nonhuman animals, and their habitats are inseparable. This is a profoundly different notion
from the conventional view of health, in which physicians,
nurses, and others treat human ills; veterinarians tend to the
health of livestock, pets, and wildlife; and conservation biologists
and ecologists address habitat health. But the more we learn
about health, the more ludicrous these artificial divisions become.

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