Latest Resources
A New Generation of Researchers: Hearing from Youth Leaders on Their Well-Being
Building upon a previous conversation with Juan Martinez of the Aspen Institute and Cynthia Weaver of The Annie E. Casey Foundation on their collaboration on the Youth and Young Adult Well-Being project, the following Q&A features three paid youth consultants who are leading the research initiative as the Youth and Young Adult Well-Being core team. Each team member represents a different cultural affinity group in the well-being project: Desiree Armas from Latine Bienestar, Niara Frankson from Black Expressions of Well-Being, and Zenetta Zepeda from American Indian/Alaska Native.
Engaging Youth to Guide Research on Their Own Well-Being
In 2019, the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Equity and Inclusion unit hosted a convening with young people from Black, Latinx, and American Indian/Alaska Native (AIAN) cultural affinity groups, along with adults who support the work and leadership of these youth and young adults. The young participants, many of whom were from the Aspen Institute’s Fresh Tracks program, expressed the need for young leaders to be the ones defining youth well-being and finding solutions that help their own communities support the well-being of young people.
Healing for Our Healers: Funding Transformational Staff Wellness
The Healing Trust has prioritized support beyond the programmatic check since the early years of our grantmaking in 2003. While the “how” of the funding has changed over time, the “why” has consistently been to support the healing of nonprofit staff. This isn’t tangential to making strategic community-based investments, rather it is the foundation on which meaningful change can emerge. When funders invest in the well-being of the staff of partner organizations, it creates a culture where all people’s needs are prioritized and compassionately met. The nonprofit network thrives when its leaders are well-rested. When staff are well taken care of, the clients benefit by means of an energized supporter who shows up with creativity, patience, compassion, and joy.
A Call to Connection
The Einhorn Collaborative recently commissioned A Call to Connection: Rediscovering the Transformative Power of Relationships, in partnership with Sacred Design Lab and Greater Good Science Center. The report combines scientific research on the power of connection, insights from ancient wisdom traditions, stories of impact, and recommended practices to help live more fully in connection with one another.
Mindfulness and Healing Justice
The Kataly Foundation’s Mindfulness and Healing Justice program hosted a discussion with grantee partners to explore the connections between healing, collective transformation, and power-building. The conversation highlighted the need to meaningfully resource mindfulness and healing justice work led by Black and Indigenous people and all communities of color.
Compassionate Care to the Very End of Life
Over the past seven years, the George Family Foundation has supported organizations that encourage individuals to invest time in end-of-life discussions and planning with our loved ones and with health care teams.
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