Caring for Denver Foundation

“Increased economic and social stress is driving a higher need for mental health and substance misuse care, making the work of our grantee partners even more important than when we were founded. People are ready to talk about and seek help, and Caring for Denver’s grantmaking process is ready to meet this moment because it is centered in reflecting the unique cultural needs, values, and beliefs of the city’s diverse communities.”

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Jonas Philanthropies

“Jonas Philanthropies is honored to work with national health leaders to address critical problems in our health care system with a focus on nursing access, quality, and voice. In addition, we are grateful to help support model programs addressing eye care for underserved children, disease prevention through children’s environmental health and advocacy, and model reforestation programs with a triple bottom line focusing on carbon sequestration and community health and resilience for frontline communities”

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Arcora Foundation

“Equity is important for our work. The people we serve tell us so. That is why Arcora strives to demonstrate a greater capacity for equitable practices and policies to better engage with communities as an authentic partner.”

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RRF Foundation for Aging

“U.S. Census Bureau projections foresee the number of people age 65 and older rising dramatically in the next decade. With an aging population, there is a growing need to provide training and self-care relief, sustainable systems, and better resources for the nation’s 53 million unpaid family caregivers currently serving a vital role in our long-term care health system.

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Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust Divests from Tobacco, Commits to Socially Responsible Investing

Recognizing the critical role midwives can play in combatting New Jersey’s maternal mortality crisis, the Burke Foundation and the New Jersey Health Care Quality Institute are partnering to increase the role of midwives in New Jersey births.

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Novo Nordisk, Inc.

We are excited about the new direction NNI is taking with our charitable giving strategy, focusing on reducing the burden of chronic disease for vulnerable populations. By committing funding to projects specifically geared toward prevention by way of community-based health education and nutrition equity/food access, we are focused on supporting capacity building of local, on-the-ground organizations to design solutions tailored for the needs of the communities they serve. This in turn is designed to ultimately lead to better health outcomes.

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Foundation for Opioid Response Efforts

The opioid crisis is a wide-ranging public health crisis that will require many different approaches and disciplines to effect real change. It will require bringing together and highlighting the intersections of physical and mental health, social determinants of health, and long-standing policies including those on criminal justice and access to treatment. To that end, many health funders can find a role to play that contributes to reducing mortality and increasing well-being, even if they do not consider themselves opioid use disorder funders.

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Merck Foundation

No one strategy is sufficient to reach people from underserved communities who are living with diseases like cancer, diabetes, and HIV/AIDS with the high-quality health care they deserve. That’s why the Merck Foundation has focused on making longer-term and more flexible philanthropic investments that support an array of promising and comprehensive approaches. Further, collaboration is critical to tackle complex health disparities and build healthier communities. Through our initiatives, we bring together health care providers, community leaders, and academics from across the United States and around the world to test and expand innovative solutions to improve the delivery of health care in their communities.

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bi3 Article: Trust-Based Philanthropy is Grounded in Mutual Accountability and Learning

A new article shows how applying a trust-based philanthropy lens helps funders capture the full impact of grants, describes how bi3 evaluates initiatives, and how building funder-grantee relationships grounded in power-sharing, transparency, and mutual accountability helps achieve greater impact.

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Terrance Keenan Institute

2022 Terrance Keenan Institute Fellows Named

GIH is delighted to announce the 2022 Terrance Keenan Institute for Emerging Leaders in Health Philanthropy class of fellows.

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