Featured Resources
bi3 Article: Trust-Based Philanthropy is Grounded in Mutual Accountability and Learning
A new article shows how applying a trust-based philanthropy lens helps funders capture the full impact of grants, describes how bi3 evaluates initiatives, and how building funder-grantee relationships grounded in power-sharing, transparency, and mutual accountability helps achieve greater impact.
New Competency Model for Foundation Program Officers Released
The Dorothy A. Johnson Center on Philanthropy at Grand Valley State University has released a competency model for foundation program officers.
Taking A cultivate approach to Improve Community Health
Health foundations are increasingly recognizing that their mission is not simply to award grants to deserving nonprofit organizations, but rather to play a catalytic role in improving the conditions that influence health, especially at a population level.
Latest Resources
Strong Ethics Policy Creates a Culture of Transparency
Almost daily, we are faced with making ethical decisions in our personal and professional lives. This is particularly true for those of us who work at foundations. Foundation board members and staff are often subject to intense pressure to provide funds for particular organizations.
A Foundation Helps Launch a FQHC
For the past decade, free-market thinking has all but dominated the national discussion of health care. New kinds of coverage have resulted, including health savings accounts, along with new players in delivery, like the urgi-care clinics at Wal-Mart.
Agents of Change
This resource portfolio is from GIH’s 2005 annual meeting, Agents of Change: Health Philanthropy’s Role in Transforming Systems.
The Business of Giving: Governance and Asset Management in Foundations Formed From Health Care Conversion
This report looks at the composition and function of boards of directors in foundations formed from health care conversions, as well as how the foundations manage the investment of their assets. This report is the latest in GIH’s series of reports on these foundations.
The Business of Giving: Governance and Asset Management in Foundations Formed from Health Care Conversions
Since the formation of the first foundation in the wake of the conversion of nonprofit health organizations in 1973, grantmakers, regulators, and others have watched the phenomenon with interest. For nearly 10 years, GIH has been monitoring the development and operations of these foundations. An upcoming report looks at the continued growth of this sector in philanthropy and focuses on how organizations are managing investments, conduct and composition of boards, and other structural issues.
Advancing the Use of Health Data
With a few actions, grantmakers can boost the use of health data in their communities. This article draws upon the work of The Health Foundation of Greater Cincinnati and describes how it is using data and creating new data resources for its grantees and others in its service area – Cincinnati, Ohio and 20 surrounding counties in Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana.
Taking Time for Board Engagement Strategies
This GIH Issue Focus examines various board engagement strategies.
Congress Considering Legislation to Change Payout Calculations
This GIH Issue Focus examines how health foundations would be impacted as Congress considers legislation to change payout calculations.
A Profile of New Health Foundations
This report reflects the latest in GIH’s series of surveys. It provides an updated profile of new health foundations formed when nonprofit health organizations became for-profit companies or transferred assets through sales, mergers, joint ventures, or corporate restructuring activities.
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