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Now More than Ever We Need Philanthropy to Prioritize Health Equity
April marks National Minority Health Month. It is a time for us to educate ourselves on the health challenges facing communities of color and other vulnerable populations, and to reflect on the progress we have made towards advancing health equity and what more we must do…
How Local Health Departments Can Commit to Transformative Change through Racial Healing
In this new era of public health care and practice, as our global community continues to endure the impact of a pandemic, we have a unique opportunity and responsibility to ensure we do not fall back into old patterns. This is our chance as a larger health-focused collective to use our expertise, influence, and resources to change the landscape of health. Governmental agencies, nonprofits, clinical and non-clinical groups, and funders have an important role in the future of public health.
Incarceration and Public Health: Going Bold to Achieve Health Equity
Two years into the COVID-19 pandemic, the field of public health has sprinted a marathon to address the ongoing crisis — we have implemented mass vaccination plans, pushed back against misinformation campaigns, and taken action in the face of slashed budgets and outright assaults on our lives. But as a public health researcher and advocate, I believe there is a critical place where we have fallen short, and with dire consequences: connecting the dots between incarceration and health.
Civic Engagement Is a Social Determinant of Health
What is the civic health of the communities you serve? Are community members equitably engaged in democratic processes and civic life? How might increased levels of civic engagement influence the distribution of public sector resources, population health outcomes, and health inequities? Is it possible to imagine transformative changes in community health absent a meaningful shift in community power and civic participation?
Perinatal Safe Zone: Supporting Women-led Birth Equity Work
We believe that creating a Perinatal Safe Zone will require multisector mobilization at the regional level. A mobilization at this level will require participation from hospitals, legislators, and state agencies, while centering Black and Brown led organizations and leaders working to achieve stable and affordable quality housing; welcoming, flexible, and equitable workspaces, with paid parental leave and universal child care services; a just food system; safe and walkable neighborhoods; a caring and supportive network of community members; and access to holistic and culturally congruent wellness practices.
Less Criminalization = Better Health + More Justice
Last year, New York State passed the most sweeping parole reform measure in the country. The Less Is More Community Supervision Revocation Reform Act has far-reaching implications for the health and liberty of tens of thousands of people every year, by making critical changes in how the state handles noncriminal violations of parole conditions.
Key Facts on Health and Health Care by Race and Ethnicity
The Kaiser Family Foundation has released an updated chart pack “Key Facts on Health and Health Care by Race and Ethnicity” which analyzes racial and ethnic health disparities across several measures, including health coverage, access to care, and health status.
Honoring and Resourcing Native Communities to Lead the Climate Fight
The Climate and Clean Energy Equity Fund recently released Honoring and Resourcing Native Communities to Lead the Climate Fight: A Call to Action for Philanthropy report and accompanying blog post. While Indigenous Peoples are on the frontlines of climate change, they face significant barriers to philanthropic support.
Accompaniment: The Missing Piece of the Funding Puzzle
We continue to be inspired by the plenary remarks Dr. Paul Farmer gave at Grantmakers In Health’s 2006 Annual Meeting on Health Philanthropy.
Connect With Funder Peers on Health Equity
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