Deadline: Thursday, October 8, 2020
We invite you to submit a session proposal for the 2021 Grantmakers In Health Annual Conference on Health Philanthropy, “Building a Just and Equitable Future,” which will be held from June 8-10, 2021.
Now is a crucial moment for health philanthropy—to work in partnership, strengthen cross-sector ties, and share strategies and learnings. In this unprecedented time for the sector, the GIH annual conference will serve as an essential opportunity for funders to exchange approaches with colleagues, and to access programming across multiple intersecting issue areas, including on philanthropy’s response to the pandemic and issues of racial injustice.
We encourage you to develop session proposals that represent diverse perspectives and candid thoughts about your experiences, and to design dynamic sessions that engage participants. We welcome sessions that address a range of issues related to health, community partnership, policy and advocacy, and foundation governance and operations.
2020 has been a turbulent year—one which has illustrated numerous inequities that inhibit our ability to achieve better health through better philanthropy at home. These disparities are directly related to health, public health, and health care, and to the social and structural factors that drive health outcomes. The challenges highlighted this year provide an opportunity to rethink and restructure the way we develop and implement programs to improve health outcomes, and philanthropic institutions are well positioned to help lead the way.
Next year’s annual conference will provide a space for health funders to come together and share how they responded to the challenges presented in 2020, exchange lessons learned, and discuss how to partner with communities, individuals and families, and others to implement sustainable changes that lead to better health for all. The conference will also offer an opportunity to think critically and creatively about how foundations can continue to adapt to the changing landscape to build a more just and equitable future.
Staff and trustees of foundations and corporate giving programs, regional associations, and philanthropy-serving organizations are welcome to submit or codesign sessions. Please note, philanthropy-serving organizations are eligible to submit a proposal if they meet the following criteria: the organization appears on the United Philanthropy Forum’s list of National Philanthropy-Serving Organizations, has a significant impact on the field of health, and conducts work that is aligned with the GIH mission.
While the conference is slated to be held in Miami, Florida, the format is subject to change based on recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization. Therefore, we recommend that proposals be adaptable to both an in-person and virtual GIH annual conference.