Grantmakers In Health (GIH) President and CEO Cara V. James was interviewed on the December 26, 2022 episode of the Off the Charts podcast about health equity and social justice:
“This is actually the first job professionally that I’ve had since college that doesn’t have minority health or health equity in the title. But it is really just core to my mean. And I think that part of that goes back to just a realization that … so many people struggle in in our communities and in our country. And there are ways in which we can help them. So, it’s not easy work. And as I say, every day, it’s an uphill battle. And sometimes you get a picture of how steep the gradient is. But it really is just core to who I am to help try and improve outcomes for those, particularly those who are the least among us, and often ignored or underserved.”
> Listen to the full episode on the Off the Charts website.