Grantmakers In Health (GIH) is pleased to announce the addition of Sarah Iselin, Eugene Lewit, Robin Mockenhaupt, and Steve Roling to its board of directors. Their board terms begin after the GIH Annual Meeting on Health Philanthropy, March 2-4, 2011.
Ms. Iselin is president of the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation. Previously she was commissioner of the Massachusetts Division of Health Care Finance and Policy where she monitored and managed critical phases of implementing the commonwealth’s landmark health care reform law.
Mr. Lewit joined The David and Lucile Packard Foundation in 1991 and is currently senior program manager of the Children, Families, and Communities Program. He manages efforts to make health insurance accessible to all children and oversees the program’s evaluation activities.
Ms. Mockenhaupt is chief of staff at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation where she leads quality improvement efforts, oversees internal communications strategies and planning, and manages special projects in both administrative and program areas.
Mr. Roling was named the first president and CEO of the Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City in 2004. Previously he was director of the Department of Social Services for the state of Missouri, and senior vice president of the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation.
The GIH board also reappointed Gail Christopher of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and Tom David of Tides. Sam Karp of the California Healthcare Foundation will assume the position of board chair, David Gould of the United Hospital Fund will serve as vice chair, and Fatima Angeles of The California Wellness Foundation will assume the role of secretary. Philip Belcher of the Mary Black Foundation will continue service as treasurer, and Gail Christopher will continue as member-at-large.
Moving off the GIH board in 2011 are James Kimmey of the Missouri Foundation for Health, Ann Monroe of the Community Health Foundation of Western and Central New York, Bob Hughes formerly of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and Betty Wilson of The Health Foundation of Greater Indianapolis.