Awards now up to $30,000
Purpose: Grantmakers In Health (GIH), with support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, is making available grant writing support to help states implement the Affordable Care Act. The GIH State Grant Writing Assistance Fund will provide up to $30,000 to foundations that are interested in offering grant writing support to state and county government agencies. This RFP includes a revised matching rate of 2:1 (the fund will match two dollars for every dollar requested). Previous awardees are eligible to reapply. Please review the complete proposal request before submitting an application.
Key Dates:
- Applications due: Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until February 29, 2012.
- Final report due: six months after the grant is awarded, but no later than September 30, 2012.
Eligibility & Selection Criteria: Eligible organizations include all state and local foundations able to meet the matching requirement. GIH considers foundations to be organizations whose primary function and activity is charitable grantmaking to multiple individuals or organizations. States that have already received a GIH State Grant Writing Assistance Fund award are eligible to reapply. Foundations must meet GIH’s Funding Partner criteria, which are included in the full proposal request.
Award Amount: Up to $30,000 for a period of up to 6 months.
How to Apply: Foundations must submit a concise three- to four-page letter as an e-mail attachment or via regular post.
Anna Spencer, Senior Program Associate
Grantmakers In Health 1100 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 1200
Washington, DC 20036