Address: 7501 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 1310E, Bethesda, MD 20814
Phone: 301.961.5800
Email: info@debeaumont.org
Web: www.debeaumont.org
de Beaumont focuses on state and local public health agencies in the United States through strategic and engaged grantmaking. The foundation’s mission is grounded in the view that strong public health agencies are essential leaders and partners in their communities, protecting the public from health threats and promoting health with effective policies and programs. Its goal is to help governmental public health agencies accelerate the adoption of innovative strategies and approaches. These agencies can catalyze change, lead action, and engage partners so that they can save lives, save money, and help communities thrive.
Pierre S. de Beaumont established the de Beaumont Foundation in 1998. James Sprague, MD, was the Foundation’s Founding CEO, building on Mr. de Beaumont’s support for a concentration on public health. An entrepreneur himself, de Beaumont emphasized innovation, good business practices, and the potential for projects to become self-sustaining.
Program Information: The de Beaumont Foundation is part grantmaker and part think tank, working with nonprofit partners, as well as directly developing and implementing programs and research projects. Specific priority areas include:
- Advance Public Health Practice through innovation, tools, and training, fostering innovation in and for governmental public health agencies.
- Build Cross-Sector Partnerships to connect public health agencies to key partners.
- Strengthen the Voice of Public Health by creating new tools and approaches for communicating about public health. The foundation seeks to bridge the gap between its field and others, help open doors to new partnerships, and help build support for public health approaches.
Financial Information:
Total Assets: $161 million FY16
Amount Dedicated to Health-Related Grants: $5.7 million FY16
- Special Initiatives and/or Representative Health and Human Services Grants
BUILD Health Challenge—BUILD (Bold, Upstream, Integrated, Local, Data-Driven) is a 12-funder initiative; de Beaumont is both a funder and the administrative hub for the program. BUILD encourages meaningful partnerships among health systems, community-based organizations, and health departments to improve the overall health of local residents.CityHealth—CityHealth helps city leaders use policy as a lever to improve residents’ health and help their cities thrive. CityHealth identified nine key policies, and in February 2017 issued the first ratings of how the 40 largest cities stacked up. Currently, the foundation is working across the United States to help cities implement these policies.
The Practical Playbook—Housed at Duke University, practicalplaybook.org provides practical implementation tools, guidance, and resources to advance collaboration among public health, primary care, and others to improve population health.
Building Expertise in Administration and Management (BEAM)—de Beaumont has partnered with the University of Miami School of Business Administration and Miller School of Medicine for a new distance-based certificate program to improve budget, administration, and management skills in public health departments across the United States. The first cohort will begin in May 2018.
Public Health Workforce Interest and Needs Survey (PH WINS)—The first PH WINS was launched in 2014. The largest-ever survey of the public health workforce, it provides unique insight into the country’s public health workforce, and guides workforce investments. Additional cycles are planned for 2017 and 2020.
Serving as the Champion for Public Health Agencies Across Communities
“Public health agencies protect residents from threats and advance opportunities for health. They perform critical science-based functions; implement policies in the public interest; lend expertise, data, and analysis to partner organizations; and stimulate and coalesce action across sectors.
Unfortunately, the capacity and performance of these agencies varies greatly across communities, leaving gaps and lost opportunities. There are great models to emulate – and many states and big cities are at the forefront of public health innovation. But other jurisdictions are challenged in delivering even the most critical functions due to constrained budgets, a shifting health care environment, and a lack of visibility. As government agencies in often resource-starved states and localities, there are few opportunities to experiment with new tools and approaches that can lead to greater effectiveness.
The de Beaumont Foundation is dedicated to being a champion for these agencies – improving their capacity and performance and helping to equip them to thrive in a transforming landscape. In doing so, we aspire to improve the health of the populations of the communities they serve across the United States.”
– Edward L. Hunter, President & CEO