Address: 9500 Cleveland Ave. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
Phone: 909.204.1673
Inland Empire Health Plan (IEHP), a managed health care plan, founded IEHP Foundation as a separate 501(c)(3) nonprofit in 2021. The foundation strives to ensure all individuals in the Inland Empire region of California have access to Vibrant Health—extending beyond traditional health care services and addressing the social determinants of health for the region’s most vulnerable populations.
IEHP Foundation’s mission is to inspire and ignite the health of the Inland Empire (IE). Its work is guided by a vision to never rest until the promise of Vibrant Health exists for all who live, work, and thrive in the Inland Empire. Vibrant Health means that the residents of San Bernardino and Riverside counties in California have access to and are experiencing a better, more fulfilling life with overall physical and mental health and well-being.
The Inland Empire is a vibrant and rapidly growing region, home to over 4.6 million residents, spanning 27,000 square miles and two counties. With its geographic and ethnic diversity, the region represents the future of California as 50 percent of the population is Hispanic/Latine descent, and it is one of the fastest growing areas in the state. The IE is known as a region of opportunity and natural beauty with a favorable quality of life. However, despite its many strengths, the region faces challenges in promoting equitable health and economic outcomes for all of its residents. While there is room for improvement, the foundation and regional partners are working to create a healthier, more inclusive community. By focusing on building strong systems, supporting historically marginalized individuals and families, and empowering communities from within, Inland Empire can become a beacon of Vibrant Health.
Additionally, the Inland Empire is overall a younger region than the rest of California. Riverside and San Bernardino counties have higher percentages of young children (6.8 percent and 7.3 percent, respectively) compared to the state average (6.5 percent). IEHP Foundation believes that all individuals in the Inland Empire should have access to Vibrant Health, including our youngest residents who should begin life with access to equitable health care and live in a healthy environment, which will lead to a long, healthy, and thriving life.
Program Information:
IEHP Foundation partners with and supports nonprofits and community leaders in San Bernardino and Riverside, California counties to advance Vibrant Health through public policy and advocacy, building capacity, and investing in and leveraging funding for local community-based organizations (CBOs). Additionally, the foundation is working collectively with other regional partners on place-based initiatives in both counties. As a new organization, the foundation’s board knew it was critical to listen and learn about the challenges and opportunities facing the region’s community leaders. Through community listening sessions with hundreds of nonprofit leaders and an in-depth landscape analysis, the foundation has prioritized grantmaking programs on strengthening the nonprofit infrastructure, building the region’s civic policy muscle, and investing in leadership development to boost the vital nonprofit sector to better serve their communities and leverage more funding opportunities for the area.
Financial Information:
Total Assets: $122 million (FY24)
Amount Dedicated to Health-Related Grants: $4 million (FY24)
Special Initiatives and/or Representative Health and Human Services Grants
Collaborative Capacity Building Grant (2024)—This grant was designed to strengthen CBOs’ business operations and infrastructure, ultimately leading to greater sustainability and increased capacity to expand their services and advance health equity in their communities. It was awarded to 59 organizations in a cohort model. This program included a 10-course business management training program led by a capacity training organization and a $5,000 grant for building up infrastructure such as professional services, software, equipment, and other general operating and non-programmatic expenses. ($295,000)
Microgrants (2023)—IEHP Foundation Board awarded unrestricted general operating microgrants to local nonprofits to quickly invest in the region and practice trust-based philanthropy. The grants ranged from $5,000 to $15,000 for the 33 nonprofits in both San Bernardino and Riverside counties in California to use as unrestricted funds to help fuel ongoing projects, ignite new initiatives, or support general administration and day-to-day functions. ($200,000)
Champions for Vibrant Health – Leadership Network (To be awarded in December 2024)—A two-year leadership development program, with the potential for up to $150,000 per organization in general operating support funds for Inland Empire community-based organizations that address the social determinants of health. The program also includes leadership training for the organization’s top executive and an identified emerging leader and opportunities to join together in collective advocacy to increase health equity across the Inland Empire. The 40 organizations will be selected and awarded in December 2025. ($2.5 million)
Blue Zones Project —IEHP Foundation is partnering with Blue Zones, LLC to develop and launch evidence-informed, well-being transformation programs designed to create sustainable, systems-level solutions that will improve health policies and practices within several targeted communities in Riverside County, California. The investment is intended to be leveraged with contributions from other health funders and municipalities to maximize the impact of the contribution. Using a coordinated approach, IEHP Foundation is working with Riverside University Health System-Public Health to develop a team of partners to build and sustain the project over the next five years. ($20 million)
IEHP Foundation and GIH
IEHP Foundation has been involved with Grantmakers in Health since its inception. As a newly established organization, GIH has been a great resource for its team to utilize and learn from leaders and experts in the field. The best benefit of GIH is the connection with other members. Collaborating and learning from each other at conferences and other events has been pivotal for IEHP’s education and growth.
The Importance of Investing in the Social Determinants of Health
“At IEHP Foundation, our work centers around health equity to ensure that our region becomes a beacon of Vibrant Health—meaning everyone has a fair chance to be as healthy as possible. We achieve Vibrant Health by addressing the social determinants of health—that 60 to 80 percent of nonclinical factors that affect a person’s health. By working with our community partners to strengthen their organizational capacity and to help them identify those health equity issues they are addressing, we can ensure that more individuals in our region access the core needs such as humane housing, easily accessible nutritious food, quality health care, meaningful work, and education to live a healthy and joyful life.”
–Greg Bradbard, Chief Executive Officer, IEHP Foundation