Archstone Foundation (Long Beach, CA)
In recognition of its 30 years of grantmaking, the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA’s unwavering commitment to Geriatrics, and David B. Reuben’s 25-year leadership, Archstone Foundation approved a $1,000,000 expansion grant over 10 years for the existing Archstone Foundation Endowed Chair.
With this expansion, the Archstone Foundation Endowed Chair will focus on education, program development, and research on how to improve the care of older people. A specific emphasis will be placed on disseminating successful innovations to health care providers, systems, and policymakers, who will be served by learning about the programs and revising payment structures, as well as other incentives toward adopting successful, innovative approaches to caring for older persons with chronic diseases.
The Endowed Chair will also continue to focus on how to increase the insufficient number of geriatricians working to care for older people and necessary to meet the rising need for geriatric specialty care. In 2017, there were fewer than 7,500 board certified geriatricians nationwide.
Future and past Endowed Chairs efforts have and will continue to respond to the 2008, Institute of Medicine (IOM) three-prong strategy identified to meet the health care needs of the increasing number of older Americans in its report “Retooling for an Aging America: Building the Health Care Workforce”:
- enhance the geriatric competence of the entire workforce;
- increase the recruitment and retention of geriatric specialists and caregivers; and
- improve the way care is delivered.
For more information on UCLA’s Division of Geriatric, click here.
Phone: 562.590.8655