Kentuckians in 59 counties who were looking for coverage through the health insurance marketplace during the recent open enrollment period could choose plans from just one company, according to a report released by the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky. Only two companies offered plans in another 52 counties, leaving just nine of the state’s 120 counties with three companies’ plans from which to choose. Some neighboring states had as many as 11 carriers offering plans; West Virginia had just two.
The report shows that the monthly premiums for plans offered through Kentucky’s marketplace this year, and the corresponding premium tax credits available to moderate-income Kentuckians to make that coverage more affordable, are lower than both the United States’ average and five of eight neighboring states. For 2017 coverage, the second-lowest priced silver-level plan for a family of four and an income of $60,000 would cost that family $405 per month; the premium for that plan is $939, and the tax credit is $534. The United States’ average premium for that plan is $1,090, with a $686 tax credit.
The seventh quarterly snapshot from the Study of the Impact of the ACA Implementation in Kentucky is available here. Previous snapshots and other special reports from the study are available here.