The 1889 Foundation has issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) that seeks community interventions aimed at prevention and/or control of type II diabetes. This grant will support the work of a national expert team as they train, consult with, and mentor community partners in Cambria and Somerset Counties in Pennsylvania to implement and study innovative intervention(s) over a three year period.
Up to $1.8 million over three years will be granted. The award supports training, consulting, and mentoring by the national expert and implementing the intervention by the community partner(s). In addition, the national expert awardee will receive a gift of $200,000 to advance population health strategies in their local region. In year one, $125,000 of the gift will be allocated. In year three, the remaining $75,000 will be allocated.
The specific goals of this RFP are to improve community-level capacity for diabetes prevention and control. Successful applicants must be able to demonstrate that they have previously improved capacity for diabetes prevention and control by designing and implementing an intervention, with measurable evidence of a positive impact on social determinants of health in a community. Interventions designed to impact any of the following social determinants are desired and others will also be considered:
- Education (public or private school, pre-K through 12) and health literacy
- Social support (faith-based, community-based, or other)
- Food security
- Employment and worksite wellness
- Transportation, housing, and the built environment
The RFP is open to academic institutions, health systems, nonprofits, or for-profit organizations. Letters of Intent are now being accepted and must be submitted by August 23, 2018. Selected applicants will be interviewed between September 4-19, 2018, and elected national experts will be matched with local community partner(s) by October 3, 2018. Finalists will be invited to submit a full proposal with selected local community partner(s) by November 9, 2018. Awardees will be notified by November 21, 2018.
Contact: Susan Mann
Phone: 814.532.0100