GIH has partnered with Rural Matters—a biweekly podcast about rural education, business, and health—to produce a series on rural health and philanthropy entitled, Viewing Rural Health, Education, and Business Through an Equity Lens. The podcast’s mission is to increase awareness, inform discussions, and expand the dialogue on the most important issues facing rural stakeholders. The third episode of the four-part series addressed economic development in rural areas. Economic prosperity or lack thereof is a vital social determinant of health. Funders described a variety of foundation initiatives that support the revitalization of rural business and positively impact community health, including supporting rural entrepreneurship, providing innovative transportation solutions, addressing rural hospital closures, and more. Speakers included Kim Davis of the Walton Family Foundation, Adam Linker of the Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust, Gary Nelson of the Healthcare Georgia Foundation, and Shao-Chee Sim of the Episcopal Health Foundation.