Food Access and Security Learning Community Calls
This meeting will feature an update on and discussion of federal priorities and opportunities for public-private partnership to improve nutrition security. The meeting will feature Kumar Chandran, Senior Advisor – Nutrition, in the Office of the Secretary at USDA.
Food Access and Security Learning Community Calls
This meeting focused on reconciling emergency food response with need for food systems reform, but also covered several other topics (i.e., lifting-up grassroots voices and ending philanthropic paternalism; looking at natural disasters, equity, and food systems in addition to health outcomes and SDOH; climate change’s impacts on food systems; environmental justice and food systems; what the current public health response looks like with food systems; and investing at the federal and local policy levels).
Food Access and Security Learning Community Calls
This call provided an opportunity for participants to share feedback on the 2020 Fall Forum meeting, Food for a Healthier America.
Food Access and Security Learning Community Calls
This meeting of the learning community focused on addressing food equity and the role of philanthropy. The meeting featured Navina Khanna of HEAL Food Alliance, who presented and spoke with attendees.
Food Access and Security Learning Community Calls
This meeting focused on the response to COVID-19, the opportunities and challenges moving beyond the immediate response to meaningful systems change, and the role funders might play in this work. The meeting featured Brian Lang and Caroline Harries from The Food Trust as presenters and discussants.
New Resources for Investing in Farm to Early Care and Education
Farm to early care and education initiatives work across systems, linking health, education, and agriculture to support young children’s cognitive, physical, and social-emotional development; improve community nutrition; and build sustainable local food systems. The W.K. Kellogg Foundation has released a set of new resources based on the learnings from their five-year, five-state (Georgia, Iowa, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin) investment in farm to early care and education.
New Report Gives Voice to Food Insecurity in Northern Virginia During the Pandemic
To help spur decisionmakers to enact the changes necessary to create a stronger regional food system, the “Route 1 Lived Experiences Report,” documents the stories of 15 county residents living along the Route 1 Corridor, one of the region’s “islands of disadvantage.”
New Rockefeller Report Quantifies the True Cost of the Food System
A new report from the Rockefeller Foundation, “True Cost of Food: Measuring What Matters to Transform the U.S. Food System,” outlines the true cost of food, including the impacts on health, the environment, biodiversity, and livelihoods.
Nutrition Incentives: Lessons and Opportunities to Improve Healthy Food Access
This webinar discussed how these effective nutrition incentive programs have enabled vibrant public-private partnerships across the country, the current state of the field and research, and the opportunities for health funders to leverage these opportunities to improve healthy food access.
New Produce Prescription Program Research Report Highlights Growth and Opportunities
The scan identified and engaged 100 new Produce Prescription Programs, examining data related to program eligibility and operations, partnership development, program longevity, prescription redemption mechanism, funding sources and more, as well as conducting interviews with 19 of the program operators and reviewing news articles, reports and policy briefs, and program implementation guides.
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